Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

  • In God’s Time

    In God’s Time

    Too often we tend to be rushed. We tend to hurry through life, demanding immediate gratification. And we sometimes tend to completely overlook God’s timing. If we stop to think, we know, deep down, that God works on a completely different schedule than we do. We, as humans, want what we want, and we want…

  • All Things Through Christ

    All Things Through Christ

    You’ve probably heard it said.. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” It’s one of those common scriptures that gets thrown around, without much thought given usually. I’m guilty of that as well, honestly. I’ve heard it. I’ve quoted it, even. But I never really understood it until recently. And the amazing…

  • I Give Up!

    I Give Up!

    At some point in our lives, each of us give up. For whatever reason, we just decide that we can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing, and have to just give up. I’ve reached that point. Now, before you start freaking out and thinking I’m going to jump in front of a taxi or something,…

  • The Three Musketeers

    The Three Musketeers

    You know how you have “those” friends, the ones that seem to be, for the most part, inseparable? The ones that, no matter what you have going on, they’re there? Bored on a Sunday afternoon? Go grab lunch. Nothing going on after work? Head to the bar, dance club, or restaurant to hang out and…

  • What I’ve Learned

    What I’ve Learned

    I’ve learned a lot during my lifetime. I’ve learned a lot over the past few years, and even more over the past few months. It seems like I never stop learning. So what have I learned, you may ask? I’ve learned things about heartache and happiness. I’ve learned about love and loss. I’ve learned about…

  • In the Beginning

    In the Beginning

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. He created the fox, the rabbit, the seagulls and the doves. He created the stars in the night sky. He created the oceans, with their rolling waves lapping gently at the shores. He created the Garden of Eden, a place of immense peace and beauty….

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This is how it all started…

Since I was a young boy I’ve had a wild imagination and absolutely love telling people what I think (just ask my wife)! In my 20s I discovered blogging. In my 30s I discovered a passion for creative writing. Throughout my life everyone told me that I’m pretty opinionated, and honestly, they weren’t wrong. I have opinions about almost everything. Join me on my journey as I talk about everything from politics to new stories, family life to vacations, and everything in between.

Obligatory warning: This blog is not PC. While I am not intentionally offensive (usually), there will likely be things here that some may find offensive. If you’re easily offended, I only have this to say: either suck it up, or move along!

Dennis R. Berry

Opinionated Blogger & Amateur Comedian