Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

  • New Year, New Life

    New Year, New Life

    This past year has been quite the roller coaster ride. There were lots of changes, lots of loss, and lots of gains. Next year, 2017, promises to be an amazing year for me, and there are a number of things I want to accomplish, a number of goals I want to meet, a number of…..

  • A Tale of Two Churches

    A Tale of Two Churches

    Six years ago I made a decision that would impact much of the rest of my life. Most big decisions come after much thought, internal arguing and weighing pros and cons. Mine? No, mine came from a self-imposed bet, of sorts. See, a very long time ago I wasn’t a believer at all. I used…

  • I Didn’t Feel Like Going to Church Today

    I Didn’t Feel Like Going to Church Today

    I wake up like this sometimes. I woke up with this thought running through my head this morning, in fact. I was so tired, and sleepy, and I just didn’t want to crawl out of bed. I wanted to stay there, covered with blankets, all snuggly and warm. Sure, church only lasts for an hour…

  • A Letter to My Younger Self

    A Letter to My Younger Self

    Dear little me, It’s me.. you.. from the future. I need to tell you a few things. Now, don’t get scared. Don’t freak out and drop off the face of the planet. It’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay. But just listen for a few minutes, and let me explain a few things to you..umm,…

  • The Real Me

    The Real Me

    I’m a bit of a complicated person, honestly. Like most people I have a side to me that others usually don’t get to see. I don’t let them. On the exterior I’m a brash, hard, take-no-crap kind of guy. But on the inside, the part that I choose to keep hidden from pretty much everyone…

  • Finding Solitude

    Finding Solitude

    Like many others, I sometimes relish the thought of solitude. Sometimes we all need to just get away, if only for a little while, just to collect our thoughts, regain our bearings, and just breathe. I used to think that in order to find solitude I had to push everyone away and disappear. That is,…

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This is how it all started…

Since I was a young boy I’ve had a wild imagination and absolutely love telling people what I think (just ask my wife)! In my 20s I discovered blogging. In my 30s I discovered a passion for creative writing. Throughout my life everyone told me that I’m pretty opinionated, and honestly, they weren’t wrong. I have opinions about almost everything. Join me on my journey as I talk about everything from politics to new stories, family life to vacations, and everything in between.

Obligatory warning: This blog is not PC. While I am not intentionally offensive (usually), there will likely be things here that some may find offensive. If you’re easily offended, I only have this to say: either suck it up, or move along!

Dennis R. Berry

Opinionated Blogger & Amateur Comedian