SQ788 Makes Oklahoma the Newest Green State
Following closely on the heels of other states, Oklahoma became the 30th state to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana on June 26, 2018. The state questions was introduced on the Oklahoma primary ballot after a years-long battle between proponents of the plant and the state’s government. Like the many before it, Oklahoma joined the quickly-growing list…
Amazing Grace (Forgiveness and Redemption)
We all were once lost. Some still are. Some of us have found forgiveness and redemption… but not everyone. Some are still stuck in that vicious cycle of hatred, anger, sorrow, and self-pity. Not only is this unhealthy, but it drives us farther from God’s grace. You see, I think we often tend to forget about…
Questioning God
I’ve heard it said that you shouldn’t question God. I beg to differ. I’ve questioned God many times throughout my life. Sure, there is something to be said for trust and faith, but at the same time questioning isn’t necessarily bad. As humans, we are incapable of understanding the mind of God, so it is…
Second Amendment: Not Open For Debate
There has been a lot going on in the news lately involving shootings, protests, the NRA, and the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution… which guarantees U.S. citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Lines are being drawn in the sand between the two sides… those who are willing to defend their rights,…
What Would You Do?
People often claim that they would “do anything for love” (10 points if you sang that in Meatloaf’s voice). Mothers claim that they’d become a “mama bear” and singlehandedly take on an army of masked intruders in order to protect her child. Fathers often claim that they’d wrestle a bear barehanded in order to protect…
Tis the Season
To many, the Christmas season is all about joy, friends, family, love, Faith, togetherness.. you get the idea. But it seems that these days all of the joy, love, and faith is getting impinged upon by a nastier element of the holidays.. thievery and idiocy. Apparently tis the season to break into people’s homes and steal from…