One Month Later
Ok, so it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy – trying to adjust to the new job, trying to get rid of the zombie ebola virus (or COPD some-crap-or-other if you believe the doctor who spent a whole 2 minutes with a stethoscope), and trying to find my “groove.” How’s it…
I survived Day One..and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt
Okay, so I didn’t get a T-shirt, but D-Day is done. I survived. A couple hours before I left to go, I started freaking out, hyperventilating, and basically having a panic attack. It was insane. I talked to my best friend, who just kept telling me to breathe. I mentioned that I’d probably be fine…
Last Day of Freedom
Tomorrow is the big day. It’s the day that things start to change. It’s the day that I accept my fate as a “slave of the corporate machine” and submit to my overlords. The first day of work (ok, training) for my new job working for “Da Man”. Am I excited? Sure. Great things are…