Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Trusting God in the Midst of Adversity

Many times in life we have a tendency to try and rely on our own wits, our own warped sense of justification and morals, our own skills and knowledge. Where we go wrong, though, is failing to realize that we generally see everything through worldly eyes. Think of it like a pair of sunglasses. While the glasses are on everything is tinted, dark, foggy. We can’t exactly see clearly with this shade covering our eyes. Because of this we may misjudge things, miss things around us, or even get into accidents. This is much like our relationship with God, or faith, if you will. When we’re looking through our worldly (human) eyes, we misjudge a lot of things. We miss a lot of things around us. We even have accidents or do things we shouldn’t do.

Faith, however, tends to open our eyes in a way. While we don’t necessarily see any more clearly at first, this Godly eyesight will come, as long as we have faith in God. As long as we trust Him to carry us through those things in our lives that we just can’t handle on our own, or can’t handle properly. Since we tend to try and take control of everything (hey, it’s human nature.. I get it), faith often takes a back burner. This leaves us susceptible to the dangers lurking in the darkness (the world) and often ends badly. We must put our human nature aside and rely on faith to get us through. It is difficult at first, especially when you’re not used to it. Over time, though, it gets easier. It gets more natural to just “let go and let God.”

The Bible (Proverbs 3:5-6) instructs us to push aside our “self” and rely on God, not for worldly needs (although He also heads up that department as well), but for our spiritual, mental and emotional well-being:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.”

What, exactly, is the writer talking about? Trust with all your heart? Acknowledge God in all ways? What? It’s simply if you think about it, really. Put God first. In all things. Before you make a decision, pray about it. Ask for guidance. Is this what God wants? Is it right? Good? Does it glorify God? Or is it just simply your own selfish desires and wants trying to take over? If we trust God with everything, He’ll make sure that we walk the path we’re supposed to. Will there be hiccups, potholes, speedbumps along the way? Sure, but only because, while we can try our hardest, we’re still human, and on occasion, that part of us is going to slip out. We’re not perfect. We can never be, at least not yet. But we can strive for that Godly perfection. That’s what He expects from us. He doesn’t expect us to never make mistakes. He doesn’t expect us to never fail, or fall. But He does expect us to try our best to be Christlike, to do our very best to do His will and to place our faith in Him.

If we do that, then scripture promises that God will “make straight our paths,” which will inevitably lead us to the exact place where we’re supposed to be. That place is more often than not a complete surprise to us because, looking through those human “shades,” we probably envisioned something totally different for our lives. And that’s OK. As long as we have that trust, that faith, and are willing to follow wherever God leads, then wherever we end up is where we are supposed to be. It’s where God wants us.

See, God has a master plan. He has a plan, a purpose, for all of us, and often that plan doesn’t make much sense to us. How could it? We’re mere mortals. We can’t even begin to fathom the mind of God. We just have to trust that He knows what he’s doing, and be willing to give in, surrender, to His will, no matter the cost. No matter how much we may hate the implications. No matter how much hurt, confusion, loss or pain that comes with it. That, my friends, is what faith is all about.. trusting God to guide us, to do what’s best for us.

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