Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Let It Go

The past few days I’m often reminded of that stupid Disney movie. Yes, you know the one I’m talking about. The insane movie that somehow has children around the world mesmerized. Yes, I’m talking about “Frozen”. I think maybe Disney slipped in some subliminal messaging or something honestly. Why else would they be so addicted to it? But, I digress. Why am I reminded of this movie, you ask? Well, because of one of the songs: “Let it go”. That’s how I’m starting to feel about a lot of things right now.

I woke up a few days ago to find that my Facebook feed had been turned all multi-colored. “What the heck is going on?” I asked myself. Ohh, apparently gay people won something or other. Whoop-de-doo. Let’s all get ready to have it thrown in our faces, right? Did it bother me? On one hand, yes, it did. But on the other..whatever. Let it go!

Oh, what’s that? The confederate flag is evil and must be destroyed everywhere it happens to be? Let’s forget about the fact that it’s a part of American history, and that it was a key symbol of the Civil War that won so many people the rights and freedoms they enjoy today. But, whatever. Just let it go.

Pit bulls attacked somebody? Obama screwed something up? Cops got stupid and beat some idiot’s ass? Let it go already. Don’t we have enough other crap to worry about? Can’t we all just worry about our own problems, and forget about what our neighbor is doing? As if each and every single one of us don’t already have stresses, worries and concerns of our own. No, we have to get involved in things that, when it comes right down to it, doesn’t affect us personally one. single. bit!

Want to go get gay married? Great. Go do it. What do I care? How does it affect me? That’s right, it doesn’t, really. I’ll still wake up tomorrow. I’ll still go to work, and I’ll still have all the same issues to deal with as I do today. So, let’s just let it go, yeah? Think the confederate flag is bad? Then don’t own one. Don’t fly one. Do you really think it bothers me that someone may have one? Nope. Not a bit. I don’t care. Hear that? I. Don’t. Care. I have my own problems, people. Things that actually matter to my personal life. That’s not to say that these aren’t important issues. They are. For everyone involved on both sides of the proverbial fences. But seriously, guys and gals. We have terrorists chopping off heads. We have countries bombing and being bombed. People are dying everyday from a myriad of diseases, starvation, lack of health care, wars, violence.. The list goes on. Yet here we are, supposedly one of the greatest countries on the planet, and we’re fighting each other over flags and rainbows? Seriously? Just let it go.

It’s like all of society just wants something to complain about. As if they just can’t be happy unless they’re pissing on someone else, shoving something in someone else’s face, and, honestly, making a big spectacle of themselves. Well, you know what? Just freaking let it go!

Go live your life. I’m going to live mine the best way I can figure out how. No matter what that entails. Because you know what? It’s MY life. And screw you if you think you get to dictate how I live it. That’s the point. We each, every one of us, have to decide what’s right and wrong. And we each, every one of us, have to deal with the consequences of our choices. So, let it go.

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