Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Last Day of Freedom

Tomorrow is the big day. It’s the day that things start to change. It’s the day that I accept my fate as a “slave of the corporate machine” and submit to my overlords. The first day of work (ok, training) for my new job working for “Da Man”. Am I excited? Sure. Great things are ahead. Am I nervous? You bet your butt I am. I haven’t worked as anything other than a freelancer in a very long time (years). Freelancing has been a mixed bag, really. I’ve met some really awesome people while freelancing. I’ve also met some total hag-beasts who love nothing more than to screw you over (stay tuned for that post soon). But I’ve learned a lot from the experience.

In fact, during my initial interview for the new job, the interviewer said that my resume was very impressive. She noted my skills at editing and writing, and asked “So you understand the importance of using proper grammar and punctuation?” Of course I do. Just because I talk like a sailor on a three day bender in my personal life, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use proper English. I just happen to think that the English language flourishes a bit more with a few choice words thrown in.

So, what’s the new job? Well, I’ll be working with the QA team for a government contractor. I’d tell you more, but then I’d probably have to kill you. (Whaaaat?. Did he really just say that?). Actually, it’s probably a bit boring. But it pays decent, and it gets me out of the house, which is something that I really need. Being a bachelor, and working from home, has its consequences. The biggest one is that the walls tend to close in on you after a while. This leads to depression and general grumpiness. No bueno!

So, tomorrow is the day. I have no clue how it will go. I may drag my butt back home after my shift and fall into bed exhausted. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be just fine once I get over the initial culture shock of being around a bunch of people (I tend to have issues with large crowds. Ugh OCD!)

Today? Today I’m finishing up some work at home. Doing a bit of cleaning. Doing a bit of whining (Yeah, it’s what I do), and trying to just chill a bit and enjoy my last day of freedom.

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