Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Here, Have a Rib

Once upon a time there was a man. He was all alone in this beautiful home. He had everything he could ever need. He had food. He had shelter. He had bright sunlight and fruits and flowers and animals. What he didn’t have, however, was a companion.. someone to keep him company, laugh at his stupid jokes, console him when he was sad, play pranks and hold him close. He didn’t realize it, perhaps, but this man was lonely. One day he fell asleep, and when we awoke.. well, I imagine it went a little bit like this:

Man: *yawn* *stretch* “Yeah, that was a great little nap. Maybe I’ll get up and go fishing, or pick some food, maybe catch a little footba… wait.. what’s this, then? Why does my.. owwwww! My side hurts! And.. ohh.. what’s that beautiful thing over there? Looks kinda like me, except.. yeah. Hmmm.”

Meet Adam. The first man. Our greatest of ancestors. The ultimate “Who’s yo daddy!” God saw that Adam was lonely and needed a helper. So, when Adam fell asleep, God took one of his ribs and created woman, a companion. Now, there’s where things start to go a little sideways. No, I’m not going to go into the whole “Eve made him eat the apple” business. That’s old hat. We all know that story. That’s not what’s important to THIS story. What’s important is the reason Adam lost a body part.

See, God created Eve as a companion for Adam. He created woman as a companion for man. He did not create woman as a maid, a housekeeper, a piece of property. Women are not ours to claim ownership over. They can be ours, as in we hold the key to their heart, but they are never, and can never be, ours in the same way that we may own a car or a boat. When you find that special woman, the one that God intends for you, she becomes your equal. The two of you are made to walk hand-in-hand, side-by-side, through life. No matter the course that life takes, no matter what pitfalls and less-than-ideal times may come along, you are supposed to be equal through it all. That means that the typical gender stereotyping has no place in a relationship.

Men, pay attention:

She is not the housekeeper while you go to work. You are BOTH the keeper of the house. You are equal.

She is not the maid while you watch football. You are BOTH responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the home.

She is NOT your property to treat as you wish.

She is made to walk beside you as your equal, not behind you or in front. Beside. Together. As one.

See, God created Eve (woman) as a special creature. He took man’s rib. She is a part of him. In a way, woman is an extension of man, one that contains a very important part of him. And as such, she should be kept close, protected, loved and cherished as you would any other part of yourself. Make sense? Good! It’s time to bring back that old-school chivalry if you ask me. Open doors for her. Cook for her. Do things for her. Show her that you love her. Don’t just say the words. Words are meaningless without the actions to back them up. You have to SHOW her. Show her that she deserves to be treated right. Show her that she is loved. Don’t just arbitrarily say it. SHOW her! It’s what God intended. Next time you’re with your wife, girlfriend, fiance. whatever.. remember what she is. She is a part of you. She is precious, because God made her so.. with your rib.

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