Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Blogger Prompt: Agree to Disagree

One of my biggest pet peeves is all of the bickering and fighting that I see on Facebook on a daily basis. It’s incredible, when you stop to think about it. Right now, one of the biggest “hot buttons” is politics. Trump vs. Hilary vs. Cruz vs. blah blah blah. People are getting quite upset. People are fighting. Memes are flying back and forth. It’s becoming quite the circus. And it’s annoying. Why is it so annoying? Because, frankly, it matters not one bit at the end of the day. Do you honestly think that anything is going to change? Do you honestly think that any of these politicians are actually going to keep their campaign promises and do what they say they’re going to do? In most cases, nope. Not a chance. In others.. Oh boy, I sure hope not. Seriously? Build a wall? What in the world? But I digress.

You see, people are getting pissed at each other. People are unfriending people over it. Over what, exactly? Because one person endorses someone that you don’t agree with? Well, suck it up, buttercup. That’s the point. That’s what America is all about. We have the right to choose what to believe. We have the freedom to vote for who we want to vote for. It’s called democracy. Does it actually make a difference in the end? No, probably not. But we still have that choice. So why get pissed about it? Why fight about it? Why not just let it go? Vote for who you want to vote for. I don’t have to agree with your political views. I don’t have to like them. But as an American, I should respect them. That’s why we have this process in place, really.

So, why can’t we just agree to disagree? Why can’t we just leave all of the drama at the door, kick up our feet, grab a drink and return to our regularly scheduled nonsense-that-is-facebook (you know, stupid cat memes, silly jokes, and incessant whining about this, that and the other thing). We don’t have to fight about it. We don’t have to get mad at each other about it. We don’t have to unfriend people just because they have a differing view than we do. We aren’t all going to agree on stuff. And we don’t have to. But we should respect each other anyway. That’s the point.

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