Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

A Child is Born

According to statistics the Earth has seen almost 108 billion births. That’s quite a lot. It’s a lot of births. A lot of children, a lot of adults, a lot of people making decisions. That’s a lot of discoveries, a lot of inventions, a lot of philosophy, history and war. It’s also a lot of accomplishments. But out of all those, out of billions of accomplishments ever achieved in the history of this planet, there is one that stands out.. one that towers above all the rest.

It was foretold thousands of years ago, and written down on manuscripts.

It was proclaimed far and wide.

It was long awaited.


For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

~Isaiah 9:6

Out of all the things that have mattered over the course of human history, this one single birth has had the most meaning. This one child has had the biggest impact. There are approximately 131 million babies born each year in the world. Think about that for a moment. Consider the sheer enormity of that number. Now multiply that by 10, by 100.. by 2,000. That’s a lot of people walking the earth. Now think about what a minuscule percentage a single human is among the 262,000,000,000 people that have ever been born on Earth. It’s such a small number that it’s practically unfathomable. But that one person.. that small percentage.. was something far greater than any of the other billions of people were ever, or will ever, be.

That one person had a lowly birth. There was no hospital, no attending doctor, no comfortable bed. He was born in a barn (or cave, most likely). After his birth he was wrapped in what was probably a cheap, hole-ridden blanket, and laid in a pile of dirty straw to sleep. It doesn’t get much lower than that. But yet, as the Bible says, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. From this lowly birth came a king.. the king of all kings, in fact. This one child would one day save the world. He would save us from sin. He would save us from ourselves. He would offer us salvation, and meaning, and hope.

This time of year we tend to get all wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season, We spend an enormous amount of time and money preparing for Christmas. We throw up a tree, deck it out with color and light. We wrap gifts and sign cards. We smile (some of us, anyway) and wish all those we see a happy holiday. But often we don’t take a moment to stop and really consider what it’s all about. Sure, we may attend church service or midnight mass and get reminded, but we don’t often truly think about the meaning behind the holiday.

Christmas is not about gifts and food and family. Not exactly. Yes, those things are important. Spending time with loved ones in celebration is a very important part of the season. But that’s not the true reason. The true meaning behind Christmas is that one, single lowly birth. That one single child who, while born of a human mother, had a divine nature unlike any the world has ever seen before or since. That one little boy, Jesus.. Emmanuel.. the Savior.. changed the course of human history and the future of mankind. And it all started with a single birth. A birth so important that even the starts aligned to proclaim it, and drew kings from afar to kneel before this infant in worship and reverence.

Next time you find yourself stressing over the holidays, wondering where you are going to find the money to fill the empty space under the tree, or how you’re going to handle all of the house guests, dinner menu and time restraints.. stop and remember what it’s all about. Remember those seven little words that hold more meaning than anything else that’s ever been written:

“For unto us a child is born.”

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