Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

  • #BehindTheBlogger: My Kinda Freedom

    #BehindTheBlogger: My Kinda Freedom

    There are many types of freedom, really. We each have our own definitions of what makes one free. My kinda freedom means many things, but mostly the ability to think for myself, to make my own decisions, and live my life however I happen to see fit. For me, freedom was a far-reaching journey, and…

  • Daily Dose of Ugh

    Daily Dose of Ugh

    Sometimes life loves to throw in a little plot twist. Sometimes, it likes to throw in more than one. And sometimes, it just throws a whole bunch of crap at you all at once, expects you to deal with it all, and somehow stay sane in the process. That’s where I’ve been lately. There has been…

  • One Month Later

    One Month Later

    Ok, so it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy – trying to adjust to the new job, trying to get rid of the zombie ebola virus (or COPD some-crap-or-other if you believe the doctor who spent a whole 2 minutes with a stethoscope), and trying to find my “groove.” How’s it…

  • I survived Day One..and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

    I survived Day One..and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

    Okay, so I didn’t get a T-shirt, but D-Day is done. I survived. A couple hours before I left to go, I started freaking out, hyperventilating, and basically having a panic attack. It was insane. I talked to my best friend, who just kept telling me to breathe. I mentioned that I’d probably be fine…

  • Last Day of Freedom

    Last Day of Freedom

    Tomorrow is the big day. It’s the day that things start to change. It’s the day that I accept my fate as a “slave of the corporate machine” and submit to my overlords. The first day of work (ok, training) for my new job working for “Da Man”. Am I excited? Sure. Great things are…

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This is how it all started…

Since I was a young boy I’ve had a wild imagination and absolutely love telling people what I think (just ask my wife)! In my 20s I discovered blogging. In my 30s I discovered a passion for creative writing. Throughout my life everyone told me that I’m pretty opinionated, and honestly, they weren’t wrong. I have opinions about almost everything. Join me on my journey as I talk about everything from politics to new stories, family life to vacations, and everything in between.

Obligatory warning: This blog is not PC. While I am not intentionally offensive (usually), there will likely be things here that some may find offensive. If you’re easily offended, I only have this to say: either suck it up, or move along!

Dennis R. Berry

Opinionated Blogger & Amateur Comedian