Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

  • Seeking God’s Kingdom

    Seeking God’s Kingdom

    “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” ~Matthew 6:33 As humans, we are an odd species. We are, perhaps, the only species that looks beyond basic necessity and tries to fill our lives with useless fluff, for lack of a better term….

  • Flight of a Lifetime

    Flight of a Lifetime

    Have you ever been waiting in an airport, eagerly anticipating your flight, just biding your time until your name is called? You might spend some time checking out the little shops, buying a magazine, eating at the little cafe tucked around the corner. You may choose to just chill out and relax in the gate…

  • To Battle!

    To Battle!

    You may not realize it, but we are in the midst of an epic battle to end all battles. A war to end all wars. Bigger than the great world wars. Bigger than anything we’ve ever seen, or can even comprehend. And the funny thing is, we can’t actually SEE it. It’s being played out…

  • Here, Have a Rib

    Here, Have a Rib

    Once upon a time there was a man. He was all alone in this beautiful home. He had everything he could ever need. He had food. He had shelter. He had bright sunlight and fruits and flowers and animals. What he didn’t have, however, was a companion.. someone to keep him company, laugh at his…

  • A Child is Born

    A Child is Born

    According to statistics the Earth has seen almost 108 billion births. That’s quite a lot. It’s a lot of births. A lot of children, a lot of adults, a lot of people making decisions. That’s a lot of discoveries, a lot of inventions, a lot of philosophy, history and war. It’s also a lot of…

  • Trusting God in the Midst of Adversity

    Trusting God in the Midst of Adversity

    Many times in life we have a tendency to try and rely on our own wits, our own warped sense of justification and morals, our own skills and knowledge. Where we go wrong, though, is failing to realize that we generally see everything through worldly eyes. Think of it like a pair of sunglasses. While…

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This is how it all started…

Since I was a young boy I’ve had a wild imagination and absolutely love telling people what I think (just ask my wife)! In my 20s I discovered blogging. In my 30s I discovered a passion for creative writing. Throughout my life everyone told me that I’m pretty opinionated, and honestly, they weren’t wrong. I have opinions about almost everything. Join me on my journey as I talk about everything from politics to new stories, family life to vacations, and everything in between.

Obligatory warning: This blog is not PC. While I am not intentionally offensive (usually), there will likely be things here that some may find offensive. If you’re easily offended, I only have this to say: either suck it up, or move along!

Dennis R. Berry

Opinionated Blogger & Amateur Comedian