Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Flight of a Lifetime

Have you ever been waiting in an airport, eagerly anticipating your flight, just biding your time until your name is called? You might spend some time checking out the little shops, buying a magazine, eating at the little cafe tucked around the corner. You may choose to just chill out and relax in the gate area. Whatever you choose to do, the mission is the same: you’re waiting for your flight.

The same is true of life. Some of us are waiting for a flight.. the flight of a lifetime, in fact. Our tickets are already purchased, and we’re just waiting for our names to be called. While we’re waiting we bide our time, living life as best we can. But this flight isn’t taking us to some normal vacation destination. We’re not going to the Bahamas or Italy or any of the other hundreds of “must see” places scattered around the globe. No, our destination is much more beautiful and awe-inspiring. We’re waiting for the flight that will take us to the most gorgeous city ever built.. one with glistening streets and crystal-blue skies. It’s a peaceful city with no sirens wailing, no babies crying, no gunshots, no fighting. This destination is the vacation to end all vacations, and it’s a one-way trip.

Tickets are still available, but you have to act fast, because the flight won’t be delayed forever. The captain is just waiting for the word to take off. That word, can come at a moment’s notice, so you probably want to get your boarding passes soon. Unlike other trips that can cost a couple thousand dollars, this one-of-a-kind flight has already been paid for. All you have to do to get your ticket is ask. Once you have your ticket, just sit back and bide your time… until finally, one day, when you least expect it, you hear the intercom crackle to life with the sound of trumpets, and the passengers are called aboard:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. The weather today is a comfortable 70 degrees at our destination. The welcoming committee is standing by, ready to give you the grand tour, and all of your accommodations have already been taken care of. We’ll be there before you know it, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Welcome aboard, and thank you for flying Air Jesus.”

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