Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

To Battle!

You may not realize it, but we are in the midst of an epic battle to end all battles. A war to end all wars. Bigger than the great world wars. Bigger than anything we’ve ever seen, or can even comprehend. And the funny thing is, we can’t actually SEE it. It’s being played out all around us, each and every day, and many of us are completely clueless about its existence. See, this war is not a physical one. It’s not being fought with guns or bows or bombs. See, as scripture says in Ephesians 6:12:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

The fight is between God and his adversary, THE adversary, old Slewfoot himself. But that war isn’t being fought in heavenly realms. It’s being fought right here, on Earth. Why? Because WE are the prize. We.. humanity.. are at stake. Our very lives, our very souls, are up for grabs. We are deeply embroiled in this age-old battle, whether we realize it or not, whether we accept it or not, and whether we want it or not. And one day.. tomorrow, the next day, 100 years from now.. the battle will end and one side will be declared the victor.

Not only are we the spoils of war, we are participants in it all. We are instructed to fight and told exactly how to prepare for battle. We are to “put on the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:13) so that we may take a stand against the evil one. What is this armor? I’m glad you asked. Just as the suits of armor donned by medieval knights and crusaders, the armor of God comes in multiple pieces, and we must put each on separately.

  • Around your waist wear the Belt of Truth (We are instructed to put on truth for our own sanctification and deliverance, as well as for the benefit of those we encounter each day.)
  • On your chest wear the Breastplate of Righteousness (The breastplate guards our hearts against the accusations and charges of the devil, and secures our souls from his attacks.)
  • Fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (This tells us what we need to advance into Satan’s territory, with full knowledge that there will be traps, and take the message of grace out into the world.)
  • On your head place the Helmet of Salvation (to preserve our thinking and ward off false doctrine and temptations.)
  • In one hand carry the Shield of Faith (To protect us from doubt and confusion.)
  • In the other boldly swing the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God, the only weapon that is effective against our enemy.)

This reminds me of an encounter I had a few years ago. While I was sitting in a classroom at my church, almost finished with RCIA and preparing to join in full communion with my church, one of the other members of the class said something that has stuck with me since. Just out of the blue (yeah, he’s random like that), he said “Get ready, boys and girls. We’re almost done here, and then it’s time to go to war!” He said it with such confidence that it was quite profound. Of course, knowing him like I do, I’m sure it was an attempt at humor, but to me at least, it wasn’t funny. It was pretty legit. And it’s never left my mind. This was such a profound statement, in fact, that he soon became my friend, then my brother, then the Godfather to my youngest daughter. Funny how things work out, right?

So remember the war, boys and girls. Remember that each day, when we wake up, we need to prepare ourselves for the fight. We need to dress in our battle gear, raise our swords high, and proclaim the victory. After all, we already know who wins!

Attention all saints of God, man your battle stations.
Sound the alarm loud and long to all men of every nation.
We’re kicking down the gates of hell, not stopping till they’re level.
For the sentence of destruction’s on the forehead of the devil.

Lift your hands in victory, this is our finest hour
For the sleeping giant called the church is rising up in power
Cry loud, spare not, this lion’s gonna roar
We may have lost some battles, but we will win this war!


Are you all dressed up? Have your gear on? Sword all shiny and at the ready? Good! Then.. TO BATTLE!

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