Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

In God’s Time

Too often we tend to be rushed. We tend to hurry through life, demanding immediate gratification. And we sometimes tend to completely overlook God’s timing. If we stop to think, we know, deep down, that God works on a completely different schedule than we do. We, as humans, want what we want, and we want it now. We get so rushed sometimes that we may mistake what we think we want or need, with what God’s actual plan for us is. But we have to stop for a minute, and let God work his will in our lives. There’s no other way, honestly. Sure, we could continue on this path, rushing through, trying to mold the world to our own desires.. but this is merely a path to destruction.

You see, God knows what he’s doing. Sometimes we don’t realize that. Sometimes we think we know what’s best for us. But we’re looking through human eyes, eyes tainted by corruption. We’re seeing ourselves through the eyes of the world, and not discernment. And that’s the point. We need to be able to discern and wait.. just be still and wait for God to do his thing. Trying to take control will get us nowhere fast. It is only when we wait for God that we will gain true wisdom, true happiness.. true joy.

We don’t know what’s best for us, as much as we may like to think so. God, in his infinite love and wisdom, sees us. He sees our lives. He sees our path, and he knows where we’re going. He knows when we’re walking the wrong path, and he knows what it will take to set up back on the “straight and narrow.” He also knows where He wants us to be. But, we have to choose to listen. We have to make a conscious effort, a choice, to pay attention to that quiet whisper in our ear. This whisper, this voice, is the eternal God, the King of Heaven, the maker of our souls. He is the loving, caring father who, even though we may stray, waits patiently for us to return home. And if we don’t? Well, God is not above giving us a gentle (sometimes not so gentle) nudge.

We don’t know what we need. We don’t have a clue what’s right for us, unless we let God guide us. Sure, through our worldly vision we may see things that are desirable, things that we think are good for us. We may even completely choose to disregard everything we know to be true, in an effort to control our own destiny. But that never works, does it? Next thing you know, we’re in a downward spiral, falling further and further from grace, and slipping into a darkness that could eventually render us incapable of hearing His voice at all. But that’s our choice.

We all have choices. Every day we make choices. What to eat for breakfast. Whether to go to work. What to blog about. These are just a few of the many choices we make on a daily basis. But no choices is as important as the one to trust God and listen to His voice. And when we make that choice, when we choose to surrender our self and actually listen to what God is trying to say to us, the entire universe opens up to us. Beauty beyond compare awaits. But.. we have to choose.

Ecclesiastes 3:11-12: “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can.”

Will you try to remain in control of a sinking ship? Or will will you listen to voice of the captain, surrender, and wait for Him to tell you what to do? Wait for him to show you what you need? Wait for the Father, who knows us best, to bring your life into fruition? It’s your choice!

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