Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

All Things Through Christ

You’ve probably heard it said.. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” It’s one of those common scriptures that gets thrown around, without much thought given usually. I’m guilty of that as well, honestly. I’ve heard it. I’ve quoted it, even. But I never really understood it until recently. And the amazing thing is, it means exactly what it says. There’s no hidden meaning, no thought-provoking brain-teaser involved. It simply means that, through Christ, all things are possible.

Of course, you can’t really say ALL things, now can you? For instance, I can’t exactly go around robbing banks “through Christ” can I? Nor can I go on a murderous rampage, gamble away my life savings, or make a drunken idiot of myself at the bar. But, of course, as a Christian man, those things shouldn’t interest me anyway, right? No, what the scripture means is that, if I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, if I turn over everything to Him, give in to Him, let Him take charge, then yes, all things are possible.

Going through a hard time in life? Give it up. Let it go. Put your faith in Christ that He will make a way. How many times over the past year have I seen this in play personally? Many! A couple years ago I was adamantly atheistic (with a very slight leaning toward agnostic, I suppose). I had slowly slid down that slippery slope into unbelief. It started rather subtly (or not, depending upon your perspective). In order to try and justify living a life not exactly pleasing to God, I began saying that I didn’t care much for God’s rules. This quickly became “I don’t like God,” then “I hate God.” This eventually evolved into a stance where I believed that, should God actually exist (and the jury was definitely out on that one) I was pretty sure he was some evil, twisted, demented being who enjoyed torturing and tormenting us lowly humans. Over time this hatred grew, and I finally found myself in full-on disbelief. Nope. No way. There is no God. He doesn’t exist. He’s just a myth. I was done with faith. Somehow I had fallen so far away from my commitment to God that I hit bottom.

One day, while going through a whole mess of stuff that I don’t feel the need to talk about yet, I reached that point of no return. I hit the proverbial “rock bottom” and there was no way out. I found myself sitting at work, giving up. I could literally feel my mind beginning to slip away from me. In the middle of a conversation with my battle buddy about what was going on, trying to talk through tears and fear, I suddenly just had to get up, pull out my SmartCard and walk out. After making it through the security turnstiles and out the doors, I leaned up against the wall. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I didn’t know what good being outside would do, but I could do nothing else. And that… that’s when it all started.

“Be still.” That soft, gentle voice in my ear. Goosebumps. Chills. And an immense peace washed over me. And suddenly I knew. God WAS real. I had been a fool. I had been a jerk. I had fallen so far away that there was no returning. But God, in his infinite wisdom, knew better. He wasn’t finished with me yet. It’s almost as if He was sitting on his throne, a little smirk on his face, a single eyebrow raised, saying “Oh yeah? You don’t think I exist, huh? Well.. watch this!”

Over the course of the next year, my faith returned. Slowly at first, of course, because I was still unsure. But every time I started to waver, there was the voice again. “Be still. Be still. Shhh. Be still and know that I am God.” As the days went on, my faith grew by leaps and bounds. And things began falling into place in my life. Legal issues worked out perfectly, although there was some trial along the way (I consider it a small price to pay for my disobedience). I got a promotion at work, one that I had applied, and been rejected for, four times. This time, though, I flew through the interview process with flying colors (not of my own doing, of course. I’m not arrogant enough to believe that).

So, for me, this scripture (Philippians 4:13) holds a lot of meaning. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When I put my faith in my Lord, I found that I can be strong. I can do what’s right. I can say no. And I can say yes. I can love and be loved. I can take initiative. I can do things that I had never dreamed possible. And you know what? I’m happy. I’m happy with my life right now. I’m happy with those in my life right now. I’m happy in my walk with God. I’m happy. And it’s all because I chose to surrender, chose to say “Okay, God, you’re right. I can’t fight. I have no fight left in me. I surrender. Help me. Show me. Teach me. Mold me. I don’t understand much, but I’m willing. I’m willing to do what you want me to do. I’m willing to take whatever steps I need to as a strong Christian man, but please just help me understand. Give me peace about things. And above all, thank you for not giving up on me.”

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