Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

The Three Musketeers

You know how you have “those” friends, the ones that seem to be, for the most part, inseparable? The ones that, no matter what you have going on, they’re there? Bored on a Sunday afternoon? Go grab lunch. Nothing going on after work? Head to the bar, dance club, or restaurant to hang out and catch up? Yeah, I’ve got those friends, too.   We are the three musketeers. The three amigos. It would probably be better to call us the three stooges, though.. Larry, Mo and the Godfather (long story).

Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with these guys. They’re absolutely nuts. And then I remember.. oh yeah. So am I. That’s why they’re both my “brother from another mother.” It doesn’t matter that sometimes we get on each others’ nerves. It doesn’t matter that sometimes I even can’t stand at least one of them. It doesn’t matter at all. Because at the end of the day, I trust these guys to have my back when it really counts. I’m not completely sure why, but I do.

It’s great having friends like this, though. Whenever you have a problem, you can count on them to steer you in the right direction. Whenever you need advice, they’re got plenty! Whenever you need a friendly voice..well, okay. I guess I won’t go that far. We’re all kinda assholes in our own rights, though, so I guess I can’t really fault them on this count. Whatever.

My point, is that, when you have close friends that you can actually talk to, your world  is a better place. Not having friends sucks. Okay, sometimes being part of an insane trio like this has it’s moments as well. But, no matter what, when it comes right down to it, I wouldn’t trade my friends for anything (Holy hell, did I really just say that?).

So whatever phase of life you’re in, whether you want to or not, get out there and make friends. You never know, maybe you’ll get lucky enough to be one of the Three Musketeers. Now.. where’s my sword?

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