Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Blogger Prompt: A Plot of Earth

If I had a plot of earth, what would I do with it? This is something that I’ve thought about often over the years. There’s something alluring and intriguing about having a piece of land somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere.. peace, solitude, silence. Nothing but the sounds of nature.. no traffic, no sirens, no noisy neighbors. You wouldn’t really think I’d be the type that would want the silence and solitude of country living. After all, I’m a city boy. Well, that’s exactly why I do. I’m over the city. All the noise. All the chaos. All the constant movement and drama and crime and business. I don’t like it. I want simple. I want quiet. I want peaceful. I want beauty. I want nature.

But what to do with the plot of earth? Well, how big is the plot? That’s the important question, isn’t it? Is it tiny? If so, then just a small cabin, I guess. But, let’s consider a larger plot, shall we?

First, I’d want lots of trees. Woods. A place to walk and think. A place to relax and sit and just enjoy. Of course, not all of it would be trees. I would have to clear a portion of the land for other things. The aforementioned cabin, for instance. Then, there’s the animals. I’ve always wanted animals. Not a lot of them. No, just enough to supply what I need. Chickens for eggs and meat, a cow or two (maybe three for breeding purposes) for meat and milk. A goat and sheep maybe? Pigs? Oh yes, definitely pigs for bacon! Turkeys? Ducks?

And, of course, a horse or two. I love horses. I love riding. I’ve been riding since I was a teenager, although, being a city boy now, I haven’t been in a saddle in years. That hasn’t always been the case, though. I spent time on a farm when I was younger. And one of my favorite things to do was saddle up the mare and ride her through the fields at full gallop. The wind in my face, the ground and trees rushing by, I loved it. And I miss it. So, yes, I’d have to have a horse or two to ride through the woods. Sure, I wouldn’t be riding full gallop through the woods, but that’s not the point, is it?

There would also have to be an area for a garden. Fresh vegetables and herbs, of course. Fruit trees and grapevines (definitely grapevines for winemaking).

A heated spring deep in the woods would be awesome. Of course, lacking that, a fire-heated hot tub in the woods would suffice, I suppose. Being able to just go out into the woods, slip into a heated pool of water, and relax amidst the sounds of nature…ahhhhhh.

A life away from the hustle and bustle. A simple life. That’s not too much to ask for, is it?

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