Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

Daily Dose of Ugh

Sometimes life loves to throw in a little plot twist. Sometimes, it likes to throw in more than one. And sometimes, it just throws a whole bunch of crap at you all at once, expects you to deal with it all, and somehow stay sane in the process. That’s where I’ve been lately. There has been so much. So very much. Some days I’m not sure if I’ll be in a straight jacket by the time the day ends. Somehow, miraculously, I’ve made it so far. But, I digress.

The past month-ish has been insane for me. First I was sick. Remember that stupid zombie ebola virus from one of my earlier posts? Yeah, that one. Then, there was the stomach virus (are you sensing a pattern yet?) Then? Yeah, then. Then, there was a flood. Holy crap, Noah. What are you doing, already? I got a call at work from the property manager: “You have about 30 minutes to come secure your stuff. The cops are coming to evacuate everyone.” Ughs! I thought, finally, that the universe may be finished messing with me. Oh, no. No, no no. It wasn’t finished at all. I get a phone call early one morning (last week, in fact). My sister, my only flesh-and-blood sibling, had passed away. She was younger than I, so that really made me start questioning my own mortality. Luckily I have a great boss who looks out for her team, and I was given a few days off (paid, even) to grieve. I also have a great team that all signed a sympathy card for me. It was very touching. A little too much, I think, since I may have actually teared up a wee bit at work. While I like my entire team, there are three in particular that inspire me.. three in particular that enjoy, trust, and love working with. They also happened to be the three who took the time to reach out to me when I needed comfort. One sent me a text, one sent me a message, and one stopped by after work to check on me. I’m very humbled and touched.

Thank God I had the time off, though! Because I sure needed it.

How’s the job? It’s going okay. I still love the job. Sometimes, though, it’s boring! Sometimes I want to just scream at people (c’mon, Oklahoma. You can do better than those OTHER guys. Show a little pride. Seriously!).

But alas, things change. Life changes. I’m doing my best to deal. It’s hard. It’s REALLY hard sometimes. Sometimes I just don’t even want to get out of bed. But I still have my best friend. And my oldest daughter has been hanging out with me, trying to keep me sane (good luck with THAT).

I also got rid of the insane dog (I sent him home with the afore-mentioned daughter, who, lo and behold, is currently staying with me..with the insane dog. What the..!?!?). So I have a fish named Zombie, a crazy dog named Toby (or <censored>, depending on how much of a little pain he’s being), and two salamanders named “Jerkface” and “Brat”.

I made it back to Mass today, thanks to my brother from another mother, Chris. Of course, I had to go to confession first. Yeah, THAT was fun. I almost backed out. I thought I was going to burst into flames (I still may! I’m still waiting for that lightning to strike). But I went. And I did it. And I felt peace. For a little while. I’m still mad at God, kinda. I still think he sucks, kinda. I still think He and I have some unfinished stuff to work out. But, work it out we shall.

Until next time, I’ll just keep trying to be me, keep trying to maintain at least a semblance of sanity, and keep telling the universe to just go away!

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