Dennis R. Berry

My World, Reimagined

  • Blogger Prompt: I Pledge Allegiance

    Blogger Prompt: I Pledge Allegiance

    I pledge allegiance… that’s something we’ve all heard. It’s something we’ve all recited. But mostly we just recite it from memory in front of a classroom or stadium, with no thought to what we’re actually saying. You see, “I pledge allegiance” means that you are swearing (pledging) loyalty (allegiance) to the object, usually the flag…

  • Surprised at Work

    Surprised at Work

    Last week I decided to take a day off work. It was scheduled, it was pre-planned. It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing. I planned to take the day, get some packing done, relax a little bit, and just take some time away from the day-to-day routine. Well, that didn’t quite work out as intended. I ended…

  • What It’s Like to Deal With OCD

    What It’s Like to Deal With OCD

    A lot of people don’t understand OCD, what it’s like, or how it affects those who actually deal with it on a daily basis. People think they’re weird, strange, odd.. insert your favorite derogatory term here. Why? Because people with OCD do strange, odd or weird things. But see, here’s the thing. OCD, or Obsessive…

  • Blogger Prompt: A Plot of Earth

    Blogger Prompt: A Plot of Earth

    If I had a plot of earth, what would I do with it? This is something that I’ve thought about often over the years. There’s something alluring and intriguing about having a piece of land somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere.. peace, solitude, silence. Nothing but the sounds of nature.. no traffic, no sirens,…

  • Oh Monday, How I Hate Thee

    Oh Monday, How I Hate Thee

    Today started off as most other good days do, with me being woken up by my phone ringing and a friendly voice on the other end saying “Good Morning.” That, though, was when it all started. See, the next words I heard were “What are you still doing sleeping? It’s 1:30!” Oh geez. I’d overslept….

  • #BehindTheBlogger: Who Do You Think You Are?

    #BehindTheBlogger: Who Do You Think You Are?

    I’ve often been asked “Who do you think you are?” Usually it’s when I’m in trouble and have said something I shouldn’t have said. Hey, it happens. The simple answer to that question is “I am me.” I am somewhat of an enigma, really. I have a hard exterior, but a really mushy interior. What…

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This is how it all started…

Since I was a young boy I’ve had a wild imagination and absolutely love telling people what I think (just ask my wife)! In my 20s I discovered blogging. In my 30s I discovered a passion for creative writing. Throughout my life everyone told me that I’m pretty opinionated, and honestly, they weren’t wrong. I have opinions about almost everything. Join me on my journey as I talk about everything from politics to new stories, family life to vacations, and everything in between.

Obligatory warning: This blog is not PC. While I am not intentionally offensive (usually), there will likely be things here that some may find offensive. If you’re easily offended, I only have this to say: either suck it up, or move along!

Dennis R. Berry

Opinionated Blogger & Amateur Comedian